Our interior "plantscape" designers will make your office or home healthy as well as beautiful!
Guaranteed Plants & Florist can design an interior “plantscape” for your commercial or residential space that will complement the décor and improve the overall atmosphere. Plants are carefully chosen for light conditions and humidity levels. We guarantee our plants for one year after purchase.
The benefits of interior plants include:
Reduces carbon dioxide levels
Increases humidity
Reduces levels of certain pollutants, such as benzene and nitrogen dioxide
Reduces airborne dust levels
Keeps air temperatures down
Makes your workplace a happier, more productive environment.
Do you want beautiful flowering containers, overflowing with colorful annuals?
Do you start the summer with good intentions, but find the chore of watering just too time consuming?
Let us take care of the all of your Outdoor Garden Design and Maintenance needs while you enjoy the nice weather and your beautiful outdoor oasis. We offer a variety of maintenance services for your outdoor areas, such as:
& many more!
All the while, you can enjoy your summer relaxing at the beach or by the pool.
We offer Outdoor Garden Design services that fit all budgets and needs of our customers. Samples are shown here, and there are a variety of options in our greenhouses to choose from.

Guaranteed Plants & Florist rent plants too!
We have large palms and ficus trees that are perfect for screening tent poles or softening large ballrooms. Choose from a great selection of floor plants that can be used for staging homes for real estate marketing.
Choose to rent for a single event, or contract for an extended period. We will deliver the plants/trees and pick them up when you are finished. Plants come in a ”plasticotta” pot with saucer. We also rent white pot covers.
Prices are available upon request. Example Items:

5-7 ft Ficus Benjamina $35 ($45 lights)

5-7 ft Areca Palm $35
The crew at Guaranteed Plants & Florist kicks it into overdrive just when those summer planters need a change. Halloween has become the second biggest decorating holiday after Christmas. We have mums, cabbage, kale and pumpkins for a fall extravaganza!
Our experienced team of “Wreath Wranglers” hit the ground running in mid-November. The elves in the potting shed will decorate hundreds of wreaths to deck the facades of businesses and homes throughout the Two River area. Stop in or call early to order your custom wreath. Our talented crew will always have a large selection of ready-made wreaths to choose from also.
Our crack road crew will hang and light roping and wreaths at your home or office. We offer:
Balsam wreaths
Custom magnolia wreaths
Boxwood roping and wreaths
Mixed West Coast roping (bestseller!)
White pine roping
Western cedar roping